Do it Yourself

I like to make things - probably because my daytime work was white-collar.
I find nothing beats making something with your hands.
I dab into pretty much anything: cooking (yes, I count cooking as DIY*), stuff at home, electronics, stuff for the boat.
This page is an attempt at bringing together some doc of some projects which are otherwise scattered over the website.
Not really complete -yet ?

Boat: Dan buoy
Boat monitoring
Burglar alarm
IR decoding
Sound light switch
Motorhome: General project
Portable power

Cooking (*):

If you count making and editing movies as DIY, use ffmpeg.

Some comments:

You can do it.
Just go ahead and do whatever you thought of.
Basically the information is out there on the internet. Just be careful if you are playing with electricity or chemical products.

*: think about it: you do it yourself, don't you ? Assuming it is real cooking and not opening a tin, although you could argue that even that is manual work. I rest my case :-)