Who am I ?
from Karate to Europe but also music, motorbike, computing, sailing (I have a sailboat for which I do quite a lot of DIY), reading and languages (not necessarily in that order).
Lately, I'm getting interested in radios, and was ordinated ministry in the church of Pastafarism.
There is however, no link to the most essential part of my life:
my family.
I have 2 wonderful children, Helene and Stephane and a fantastic partner.
I have been practising music (keyboard and guitar mostly) for about 45 years (yes, I'm old and retired), karate (shotokan) for 20 years, and reading ever since I could :-)
You can find me on

I also have a gemini capsule and a tutorial on how to write CGI scripts for gemini.
My daily news digests are available on

Besides my own mastodon accounts on polyglot.city and mastodon.social, I have written several bots:
club | airline | sailing |