All books links are now on my books pageLanguages / Linguistics

I fluently make mistakes in many languages, so don't be surprised to see here links to Portuguese, Greek, Danish, Toki Pona, Czech or Indonesian resources or even sanskrit (alongside the more classical French, English, Spanish, Dutch, etc.)
Some interesting thoughts if you are thinking about learning a language with an app.
Some fascinating data about writing systems.
People also managed to use Cuisenaire rods for languages! (Also here and here.)
[Free online dictionnary of computing | OneLook | Microsoft Glossaries ][IATE - The EU's multilingual term base (former Eurodicautom)| Encyclopaedia Britanica ]
[Linguee| Dicovia| Doc translator| Word reference| Freelang ]
[Online dictionnary | Multilingual translated chat Dico lang2lang| Dico Eudic ]
Just for fun: the bad translator takes your sentence and translates it back and forth between 35 languages (using Bing), then back in the original language. You can pick up the pieces of what's left ! :-)
- Learn 40 languages for free
- Terminology unit of EP resources
- Free podcasts in dozens of languages
- Exchange/record language MP3
- Pronunciation help
- GradInt: create you own audio course
- Survival phrases in 26 languages
- Greek podcasts
- Podcasts in 10 languages
- Podcasts in dozens of languages (Swiss radio)
- Learn Hungarian(2-podcast)
Dictionnaries and ressource for android/Java devices:
- ColorDict, The universal dictionary
- Off Line dictionaries
- MemRise
- 50 languages
- (Still in beta)
Datafiles and tips
[ ABC news| Antenne 2 | BBC | Canal+ | CNN | CBS | DR ][ France 3 | HBO | MTV | NBC | NBC Europe| Norsk TV| RTBF ]
[ RTL-TVI | RTL +| RTL| RTP| TF1 ]
[ TV Press| TV news archive (since 69 !) ]
[ENEWS | 2600 Magazine| Internet World][Newspage: make your own paper | Norsk Nyheter| net news| Net Press]
[ Tabloids| International papers| constant News update]
[FranceLink| Europe 1 ]
Paper Press by languages:
[Danish][ Computer World| Datatid| Filmmagasinet Scope| First Monday ]
[ Jyllands-Posten| Politiken ]
[ Financieel-Ekonomische Tijd | NRC Handelsblad | Gazet van antwerpen | De Standaard | Het Nieuwsblad ]
[ Electronic Telegraph| Time, Inc.]
[ Seattle Times| New York Daily | Asahi Shimbun]
[ multimedia magazine| Journal of the weird| and its contrary| New-York Times]
[ National Enquirer| Newsweek| Bizarre magazine| ]
[US Army News| US Air Force News| US Navy News| US Marine News ]
[ the Economist| Ziff-Davis Group| The Observer| Humour magazine| ]
[ Financial Times | PalmTop Magazine| San Francisco Chronicle ]
[Sydney Morning Herald| Irish Times| American Journalism Review (Good)]
[Helsingin Sanomat]
[ Liberation | Derniéres Nouvelles D'Alsace | Le Monde Diplomatique ]
[ Le Monde | Le Soir | Le Jeudi | Vers l'Avenir ]
[Der Spiegel| Die Welt | Frankfuerter Algemeine | die Zeit | Tageblatt | Wochenpost | ]
[To BHMA| H Kathimerini| Macedonian Press agency ]
[ Corriere della Sera| La Stampa ]
[ Aftenbladet | AftenPosten | Dagbladet | DagensNaeringsliv | Dagsavisen | Klasse Kampen | Nationen ]
[ Kollektivet | VG ]
[ El Mundo | El Pais | El Periódico | ]
[ Aftonbladet | Computer Sweden | Dagens Industri | Dagens Nyheter | Expressen]
[ Mentor online | Svenska Dagbladet | Östersunds- Posten]
[ Vestmanlands Läns Tidning ]
[ Positive Press| Fiction recommendation| ]
You can't find it ? Try [ Springer| ]