o kama sona e toki pona!
Lesson 18: New Words


alasa hunt / gather esun marketplace, store
namako spice, something extra; alternatively, interchangeable with sin pan barley, maize, rice, etc. or foods made from such plants
pu to read the official Toki Pona book

New Words

Since this o kama sona e toki pona! course was first published circa 2003, Toki Pona has undergone several changes, including the addition of several new vocabulary words. I've opted to segregate those new words into this one lesson. Below I will teach each new word one at a time.

Please be aware that I will only be covering new words that appear in Sonja Lang's official Toki Pona book, Toki Pona: The Language of Good, which was published in 2014. Although a few other words were proposed (and are still being actively used by some Toki Ponans), I will not name or teach those words here.


alasa describes hunting or foraging for food and other resources. Two examples:
tenpo pini la jan ali li alasa e soweli e kili. In the past, everybody hunted/gathered buffalo and fruit.
jan alasa pona li wawa li sona pona e ma ona li pona tawa meli mute. A good hunter is strong, understands his land well, and is liked by many women.


esun is a marketplace.
mi pali lon esun suli. I work at a supermarket.
jan lili li utala e soweli jaki ike suli lon esun Mewika. The children fought a big, bad, grotesque beast in an American mall.


When namako was first proposed as a new word, it was defined as:
n food additive, accessory, something extra
vt season, embellish, stimulate

By the time Sonja published the official book, however, she had changed namako to be merely an alternate form of the word sin, which (as you learned in lesson 10) means new, another, fresh, etc.

In actual use, Toki Ponans tend to use namako according to the original definition, not as a mere alternate of sin.


pan seems to describe many of the edible plants from the Poaceae family or foods based on those plants.

The official book defines pan as "cereal, grain; barley, corn, oat, rice, wheat; bread, pasta."


pu basically means to read the official Toki Pona book.
mi wile pu lon tomo telo. I want to read the official Toki Pona book in the bathroom.


Try changing these sentences from English into Toki Pona.
This pasta is unappetizing. Give me some spice.
When I read the official Toki Pona book at the dinner table, the pages get dirty.
Tell the lady in the liquor store that everything's okay, and come home.
A lion mauled the American hunter.

And now try changing these sentences from Toki Pona into English:
jan alasa li wile ala e pan tan esun.
tenpo ni la mi ken ala pu. mi wile e pan li wile tawa esun.
to lesson 19 →